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The Miami Dolphins – New and Improv’d


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The Miami Dolphins announce New and Improv’d, a new digital release via FPE Records, inscrutable free-form post-punk improv jams plus a heart rending cover. Recommended to all who know that side three of Mother of All Saints is the pure shit.

The Miami Dolphins are not afraid to say and do the things that no one else knew needed to be said, or done. And in their new release, New and Improv’d, they show that sometimes freshness is best unplanned. Before, they made odes to the apocalyptic mess of late-stage capitalism. Now, they have transcended, directly connecting to the chaotic and absurd stream of reality, launching into the pure plasma, connecting nature and artifice in a glorious lump. Chisel away at the pomp and artifice of modern art rock music, and you are left with this beautiful and awkward jumble.

Beth is clearly the star, convincingly saying the wrong thing in the wrong accent. Meanwhile, guitar and bass spurt jiggly phrases, and drums provide some strong (and at times stinky) glue. Your ears, though befuddled, just know there’s something hiding there… the shape of Truth. Stripped away are the formal structures, the premeditated swells, the smarmy repetitions, until all that’s left is God’s honesty. It’s a mess, but magic eye it and it will cohere, maybe congeal, not into an elephant or a school of fish, but perhaps into your own Rorschach (or whatever).

And just when you reach the edge, at the point of tumbling into the void, an angel takes on dirty human frailty and brings us to the plane of plain old love, devotion and toil. Just give me one thing, it whispers, that I can hold on to… you must choose. Will you improve your reality, and make yourself new today?

New and Improv’d will be released by FPE Records in digital format September 17, 2021.

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